Hi, I'm Alexandra!

My Favourites: Quote: Love is in the small everyday gestures. Mindful Practice: Morning Body Movement Therapy Activity: Nature Walks (with my dog) Holistic Wellness Practitioner and CEO of The Writing and Wellness Co.
I have always loved to dance. It was the first way I learned to express myself freely, and has continued to be what I find most grounding. Moving my body in rhythmic ways is my favourite act of self love. I loved music. I couldn’t sit still when I would hear a song my heart and body longed to dance to. I studied piano, and in my teenage years even taught young children. I loved teaching children. Yet I didn’t know what I wanted to be. I grew up loving to read, so naturally I was always learning something new. It wasn’t until I reached a turning point as a young adult that I began to look for a clearer answer as to what my life’s work might be. I became fascinated with holistic wellness after a sudden onset of chronic pain in my early 20s. It was a challenging time, particularly since I didn’t have a knowledgeable guide or practitioner to support my healing. I tried and tested different healing modalities, exercise and nutrition regimes, natural medicine; learning anything I could. Nights of journal writing became my first semblance of a sacred space, and from this space I drew the strength to enact all the changes I needed in my life. As the years went on, I continued to have transformative experiences, and it was during this time that I discovered my life’s calling. If my experiences have taught me anything, it is this: We are the catalyst for our own healing, and the resources, tools and guides we encounter along the way are there to support your journey. Our bodies are built with an innate will and capacity to heal, and as we grow and evolve through the chapters in our stories, it is our responsibility to take care of our beautiful selves. Developing the knowledge and experience to be able to take better care of my health has been the greatest blessing. I’m grateful my body doesn’t carry pain the way it once did, and I now have an awareness for how to continue supporting myself through the ebbs and flows of life. I want others to believe this is possible for them too, and to experience the healing that is innately within them. I want to support you on your journey, to guide you to see and shine your light. I want to support your healing from the inside out. I believe that you have everything you need to align your body, mind and spirit, within yourself. I am here simply as a guide with resources to support you. Through somatic body movement therapy, blending Pilates and Eldoa, to ancient healing practices like Indian Head Massage and Cupping therapy, I offer an embodied space of warmth, safety, love and truth. In offering this space for your healing, my hope is that you will be reminded to embody and experience what is possible for you.
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Services and Classes
Sculptural Facial Massage Gua Sha Facial Massage Indian Head Massage Indian Head Massage with Crystal Reiki Lymphatic Massage - Upper Body Lymphatic Massage - Full Body Cupping - Upper Body Cupping - Full Body Crystal Reiki Energy Healing Sound Healing with Tuning Forks Hot Stone Massage* Paraffin Therapy* Craniosacral Therapy* Private Pilates & Eldoa Class Semi Private Pilates & Eldoa Class Monthly Spa Technical Class
Connect with Alexandra

Connect with Alexandra

Instagram @thewritingandwellnessco Website www.thewritingandwellnessco.com Link tree https://linktr.ee/writingandwellness